API Product Analytics

Extended explanation of API Product Analytics usage.

  • API Product Analytics is a a new API data endpoint that accepts up to six parameters, and allows us to help you generate more revenue.
    Please upload these information using this endpoint, v2/products/{product uuid}/visits.
    Here you can view some of the example implementation
    • productUrl - "string" Product url of the product on your website. *Required field
    • environment - "string" Product url environment - live, staging, test, development. *Required field
    • platform - "string" Product url platform - web, mobile, offline, others. *Required field
    • userIp - "string" IP address of the user visiting the page
    • userAgent - "string" Web browser user agent of the user visiting the page
    • userLanguage - "string" Language display on the product page - using 2 character language code from ISO 639-1 Link
  • You should implement this API endpoint at the following event
    • During publication of the product (on mobile or web) - when publishing the product on your platform, make a request to the api and pass these THREE required parameters: "productUrl", "environment" and "platform"
    • Product detail page - if possible, beside the two required parameters, "productUrl" and "environment", pass in the additional 4 optional parameters
  • Example on Product Page Web Analytic API demo
    product UUID: d3bfa3e1-edd4-5c24-a051-4d6c56aae621
    API Url: v2/products/d3bfa3e1-edd4-5c24-a051-4d6c56aae621/visits
    HTTP method: POST
    Example of Request body
                "productUrl":  "http://mydomain.com/d3bfa3e1-edd4-5c24-a051-4d6c56aae621/view",
                "environment": "live",
                "platform": "web",
                "userIp": "",
                "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) ",
                "userLanguage": "en"

               "code": 200,
               "message": "Submission successful.",
               "timestamp": "2019-02-15T12:24:26.009+08:00"